Note to website visitors
Dear website visitor
You will now see the website in English.
The texts presented here were translated by (free version).
Unfortunately, I can only speak limited English. Therefore I ask you:
If you find any mistakes or mispronunciations, please forgive me.
if you can even find some time to give me a correct translation,
I will be very grateful.
Best regards
Andreas Rohner
The pictures on the website are protected by copyright.
If you would like to use them, please contact me.
If there is no commercial use for them,
we will find a solution for free.
Note to website visitors
Dear website visitor
You will now see the website in English.
The texts presented here were translated by (free version).
Unfortunately, I can only speak limited English. Therefore I ask you:
If you find any mistakes or mispronunciations, please forgive me.
if you can even find some time to give me a correct translation,
I will be very grateful.
Best regards
Andreas Rohner
The pictures on the website are protected by copyright.
If you would like to use them, please contact me.
If there is no commercial use for them,
we will find a solution for free.
Other projects:
Net'weave not only implemented interactive museum projects.
Exhibits, trade fair stands, books, films and outdoor installations were realized as required.
You can find a selection below.
Cultura-Suisse, Bern
Co-design of the exhibition stand of the interest group for museum technology at the EXPO Bern 2020.
Showcase war news
In 2019, Net'weave designed a showcase in the Fricktaler Museum Rheinfelden. Two German citizens living in Switzerland who were pressed by the Swiss to take part in the war were discussed.
Cultura-Suisse, Bern
Co-design of the exhibition stand of the interest group for museum technology at the EXPO Bern 2019. Including extensive visualization through 3D representation of the exhibition stand.
of the city of Rheinfelden for the extended special exhibition Zeitenwende 2018.
Idea, layout and implementation, including assembly by Net'weave. A total of five signs were erected for cities whose countries underwent changes after the First World War.
"Free Rituals" booth
for the 'Freidenker-Vereinigung Schweiz' at the 2018 wedding fair in Lucerne.
3D visualization and banner design by Net'weave.
YouTube film
"Hortico", 2016
The construction of a raised bed kit was filmed in Zurich on behalf of the Hauenstein company, Rombach.
To the film "Hortico"
YouTube film
"Wild auf Wald - Waldarbeiten", 2016
On the occasion of the special exhibition "Wild auf Wald" in Naturama Aargau, the felling of a beech tree was filmed with five cameras under the direction and planning of Net'weave. Below with two drones.
About the film "Forest work"A film about the four seasons in the forest was also made for the special exhibition.
3D family tree
of King Rudolf von Rheinfelden on the occasion of a special exhibition on the king.
This 3D family tree is probably unique of its kind and has been integrated into the permanent exhibition since 2013.